The last suggestion did not work. Naked healer did not solve the problem. Apparently IJJI finally figured out how to fix it.
Final response:
Unfortunately it appears that there was some miscommunication within
our company earlier this morning, and although we still have a
temporary resolution for you this time it is not nearly as complicated
(or irritating) as we originally thought it was.
Instead of my last response, what you will need to do is log onto the
ijji account that is experiencing this issue and then go here: Once there you will need the change your ijji Avatar to something that
is is pretty plain (i.e., have it to where you only have something such
as eyes, ears, mouth, hair, and body equipped; and if you can go with a
smaller amount then try that).
Once you have changed your Avatar, then try logging onto Lunia and
hopefully you will not have this issue again. For further details
please see the thread here: stay tuned for my Myth Guide and possibly how to healer guide