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 Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time).

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Dizzy Box
Dizzy Box

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Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time). Empty
PostSubject: Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time).   Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time). EmptyMon Jan 19, 2009 12:12 am

Hello Knights of Boxstealers. I'm pretty sure this guide or whatever you wanna call it will be pretty useless because most of you already know this and all or doesn't care but oh well, I'm bored.

Before I start with Windmill/Combo/Skills. I would like to point what pvp and pvm is.
PVP = Player vs Player. Durring PVP, the more combos you do, the lower your damage becomes.
PVM = Player vs Monster (not sure if it means monster but as in stage) Durring stage, the more combo you do, the higher your damage becomes.

Introduction to Windmill

Windmill works with the keys of "Dash A+Space". Yes, it also works with the hotkey dash button "X". Most people find windmilling much easier by using "X" to dash instead of double-tapping to dash.. Well I don't because I'm not used to using the X so I use double-tap. Oh well, whatever is better for you. Also, there are people who "spam-windmill" by pressing A+space rapidly but they just do it for fun. It only works in pvm well but pvp = fail.

Why do knights windmill?

Knights in Lunia windmill to maintain air-combos in pvp or even pvm. Windmill is consider for only "pros" doing it because it's pretty hard to do and yes. it is hard to do.. if you wanna master this skill then you have to make practice area your new home.

Hurry, teach me how to windmill!

Basically, Windmilling is like what I told you, >> A+Space then continue. Its like using numpad to move around. first its, 66 A+space, 99 A+Space, 88 A+Space, and so on. I use numpad because it is so much easier to move. Also, you need to match a good timing when you windmill in order to hit them perfectly and combo afterwards. just practice and you'll see.

This is how windmilling looks like. (This is 100% windmilling mastered skill btw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAT3H7TD04&feature=related

Combos for knights.

Most of you guys all know the basic combos for knight. Well to start it off, A is a regular slash, S will hit the enemy up to the air, Space will down attack the enemy when they are on the ground, but as you can see, with these 3 buttons, you can make air-combos as long as you like if you practice.

>> (Dash)

Starting off combos.

A,A,S = cons
A,A,>>,A,S = pros

Now, I would like to point out how to do combos with skills

A,A,>>,A,S,whirling sword cancel,>>,A,triple kick,S

This is one of the most basic that everyone should know by now, back then it was really hard to do for almost all the knights but nowadays, anyone can do this. You should know how to cancel whirling sword. If you don't know then heres your chance to find out.

Whirling Sword Cancel (WS)

Whirling sword cancel is very simple, but first, you would need to know how to side dash. Side dashing can work by using >> A+S or >> A+Space. If you use >>A+S then you will side dash to your left, if you use >>A+Space then you will side dash to your right. This is really simple.. Just practice sidedashing then you can master whirling sword cancel like nothing.

Now to WS (Whirling sword) cancel. To cancel WS, You need to use this skill then sidedash. For example. When you are facing to your right. Use WS, face down then A+S then >> A then continue your combo by using crosscut or triple kick. You can also use A+Space but you would have to face up instead of down since your gonna side dash to your right when you are facing your right. Just practice this also.


Shifting is real simple, you just cancel dash by looking another way. For example. If you are facing top right vertical, dash that way then cancel it by facing bottom right vertical. This is called shifting to continue combos instead of keeping them at straight ahead. This way, you can change the angles of where your comboing your enemy. Shifting is used a lot in pvp so practice this also.

This is how shifting looks like, you see the way he changes angle to continue combo vertically from facing right? (Side note, just watch this for shifting. Nothing else. Do not combo like this guy.. This is how everyone first played when they just started pvp back in OB.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2B9qRNaZ0I

Second Combo after learning how to WS cancel and shifting.

A,A,>>,A,S,WS cancel,>>,A,Triple Kick,S,shift,A,A,A,A,>>,A,Crosscut <-- Doing this should now leave the enemy by the wall in the "City of Arena" map for pvp.

Canceling Crosscut is simple, You may cancel it after 1st slash or even 2nd slash but it is the best to cancel it on the first slash so you don't push the enemy too far with the 2nd slash. Canceling key for crosscut is space bar. One space then shift. This goes the same for Whirlpool Sword. Space bar to cancel.

Honestly, I would like to post up combos here but it's gonna be difficult reading it.. Confusing actually so I say you guys just figure it on your own. Once you know the basic, the time will come when it gets easier and easier.

PVP Skill Points

TripleKick (TK) - There should be atleast 1 point in this skill. Maxing this skill will be pretty dumb because this is one of the skill you use constantly durring pvp and maxing it will only burn your mana like crazy. Trust me, I've maxed it before and it was not worth it.

CrossCut (CC) - 1 Point in this also, same reason as triplekick.

Destruction Fist (DF) - MAX. No question. If you don't max this then quit lunia right now.

Counter Attack (CA) - MAX and learn to use it constantly. Very helpful and useful

Windkick (WK) - 1 point or none. This skill may be pretty usefull for escaping or knocking down the enemy when they are at 0hp OR even finishing a combo.. I find this skill pretty useless to me though because I barely use it, I don't finish combo with it, I don't knock down enemies with it. That's just me though. Your choice.

Whirlpool sword - Recommend you putting 1 point in this, none is fine. This skill is good for escaping nados or other emergencys. It is also great for comboing and the fact that you can cancel and continue combos after unlike windkick.

Blow - 1 Point in it. Must have this skill in order to use flash fate or destruction fist. This skill stuns the enemy if it hits them.

Flash Fate (FF) - Must put atleast 1 point in it. Great damage for pvp and pvm. May work in some combos but its very rare to see people doing it in mid combo.

Iron Hammer (IH) - Atleast 1 point in it also. If you put none in this skill then gtfo! This is the strongest skill for knights and the last skill also so why not?

Finishing Blow (FB) - This skill is up to you. Some pvper uses this skill and some doesn't. This skill is basically a extra damage finishing move after you land the enemy to the ground. Its usefull to combine it with nado but its very hard to land a hit on the enemy when they fall to the ground durring pvp. If you use this skill, you are gonna need a lot of practice to match the perfect timing to hit the enemy because in pvp, the enemy gets up so fast that you rarely have any chance of hitting them. I recommend none in this skill but its up to you.

Crescent Moon Sword (CMS) - Great damage and usefull for stage, usefull for pvp also if used properly. Timing comes with this skill by using whirlwind wave + cms. May use for other uses like S D CMS in pvp.

Sky Slashing (SS) - This skill can be used for combos. You can use SS then Dfist after or other skills but there is chances that enemies can escape from this skill if timing is right. All matter to points in this skill also for hitting them higher up to the air.

Hurricane Sword (HS) - Strikes enemy on the ground. Not used well in pvp. Recommend not getting this skill.

Thunder Sound (TS) - This skill can not be used to continue combos. This skill basically slows the enemy in any state. Invincible/air/ground etc. I recommend 1 point in this skill. You can also cancel this skill and dA right after because if the enemy is standing then they get thrown to the air.

Whirling Sword (WS) - MAX, no matter what. Combo, damange, pvm, pvp.. everything great about this skill.

Flying Dragon Sword (FDS) - 1 Point. Great for escaping. Great damage. Great for ending combos if you time it right.

Infinity Meteor Sword (IMS) - Depends on how many points you put in it, 1 point will have delay to combo with it after couple A's, 2+ will give it better chance of hitting them with good damage. This skill is good for pvp because of the damage, none other. Your choice on this skill.

Provocation (VOKE) - MAX. usefull for pvp and also helping in stages.

Playing Dead (PD) - 1 point. Great to escape combos or other skills.

Increase Health - MAX

Recovery Mana - MAX

Deadly Blow - This skill add percentage to do critical damages but only by 3 in the first point. Adding more point will increase it by only 1% so i recommend 1 point in this skill and leave it as it is. You may max it if you want because honestly, people SAY its a waste of points but wtf? When you get to level 75, you still have about 20 points left to use if you build a PVP knight. So why not put the rest for atleast 10% to do some critical damage when your not gonna even use the left-over points in other skills..? Your choice though.

Minimize Damage - Max.

Increase Mana - None, Only adds 200 mana in 4 points. 200 Mana may be pretty useful for the left-over skills you have but who knows? maybe a new skill might come out for knights. Maybe a level 75 skill. Your choice.

This is how my knight build WILL look like at lv75.

Remember, please use your points wisely and make your choice wisely. Do not blame anything on me for your own mistakes. This is just a tip and a guide that isn't 100%. Everything is your choice and on your own.

I hope this helps some people. if it doesn't then fuck off! JK. Happy Lunia.

Last edited by Sneaky on Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:44 am; edited 4 times in total
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Earvin's Slave
Earvin's Slave

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Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time). Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time).   Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time). EmptyMon Jan 19, 2009 10:18 am

dam too back i hate reading lol
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Earvin's Slave
Earvin's Slave

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Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time). Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time).   Sneaky's PVP Knight Guide (First time). EmptyFri Feb 27, 2009 3:25 am

to back? wtf elmo :3
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